
Néprajzi Értesítő 83 (2001)

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2.230 HUF

Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest,2001. 154 p.

27 készleten

Cikkszám: 2101010 Kategóriák: ,



Konrad Vajna: Are We Able to Curate “Europe”? Work Strategies of the New Museum of European Cultures in Berlin in Co-operation with European Networks 11

Franz Grieshofer: The Contemporary Role of Ethnography Museums 15

Zoltán Fejős: The Museum of Ethnography in Budapest: Past and Present 23

Damodar Frlan: Ethnographic Museums in Croatia: History, Challenges, and Perspectives 35

Andrzej Rataj: Ethnographic Museums in Poland: Between the Past and the future 41

Marta Pastieriková: Slovak Museum of Ethnology at the Beginning of the 21st Century 47

Nadezhda Teneva: National Ethnographic Museum, Sofia: Exhibitions, audience and problems 53

Magdalena Molnar: The Romanian Museums at the Beginning of the 21st Century 63

Svetlana Mitrovic: A Century of a Museum 69

Vesna Marjanovic: The Ethnographic Museum: Keepers of the National Identity or the Exotic Places of Knowledge in the 21st Century 75

Liudmyla Bulhakova: Role and Place of Ethnographic Expositions in the Network of Museums in Ukraine 81

Irena Keršič – Bojana Rogelj Škafar – Polona Sketelj – Janja Žagar: Selection, Collection and interpretation. On the Criteria and Strategies of Collecting Material Cultural Heritage and their Ethnological Interpretations 81

Andina Vargatu: Some Aspects of the Policy of the Astra Museum Complex 99

Sasa Sreckovic: What Kind of Entrepreneurship is Possible in the Ethnographic Museums? 107

Grzegorz Graff: The Museum and its Educational Activities 113

Mirella Decheva: Ethnographic Exhibition as a Way of the Intercultural Communication: the Experience of the Bulgarian National Ethnographic Museum 117

Iryna Horban: Ethnographic Museums and Perspectives of Ethonology in Ukraine 123

Elena Barbulescu: The Ethnographical Museum and its Long Term Perspectives 127

György Balázs: Collections management and preventive conservation at the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest 131

Gábor Wilhelm: Ethnographic museums and challenges at the beginning of the 21st century 145


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